关于 社会学

As a sociology major,  你将学习研究人类行为的原因和后果,最终目标是创造一个更加公正和可持续的世界. Small class sizes, intellectual diversity, 社区参与和服务学习的机会是赌博导航所有网站大全学院这个优秀部门的特点. Along with the traditional sociology major, 我们也提供两个重点-社会和刑事司法和可持续社区发展-所以你可以定制你的专业,你的特殊激情.




而许多社会学专业的学生倾向于从事社会服务和咨询工作, 有各种各样的职业道路,包括专业人士, management and re搜索 positions.


根据2012年对社会学应届毕业生的一项研究, 43% were working in the private sector, 25% worked in the nonprofit sector, and 23% worked in the government sector.


社会学毕业生报告说,对多样性问题的学习, 社会机构、团体和团队是他们在工作中使用最多的东西.

Program Requirements

33 hours for major (36 hours for major with emphasis); 18 hours for minor

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Potential 职业生涯

“The study of sociology not only taught me the theories and concepts within the discipline but it also gave me understanding and guide to approach all different walks of life; including my own."

 - Krissy Mitchell, '17

“社会学系帮助我成长了很多.  了解现实世界的问题有助于塑造我对现实世界的看法."

 - Michael Koltak, '18


 - MaKayla Jackson, '17

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